
Brew your own tea

There’s nothing like a hot cup of, pretty much anything while you’re out camping. Whether it’s a morning brew or an evening brew, you can add a bit of outdoor inspiration from nature’s pantry. We often flavour hot water with whatever we find growing nearby. Our current favourite is pine needle tea. The woody freshness is enough to warm your heart and your hands! It goes great with a hot whiskey, if you’re so inclined.

So the next time you’re out camping or just walking in the wilds, pick up some of those fragrant leaves and flowers and make your own mix. With Spring rearing it’s sleepy head, you’ll be spoiled for choice.

In Ireland we are lucky to have a vast and healthy crop of flora about the place, especially in Spring. Take a walk through the forest or the mountains and grab a handful of wild rosemary or primrose leaves or pluck some nettle leaves (carefully!). Wild garlic is also abundant at this time of year. We’re not confident how that would work in tea, but let us know if you try it!

It’s the perfect time of year to toss in some gorse flower too. It’s aplenty across the country. So too are dandelions, an important asset for bees at the beginning of Spring, they are perfect for a brew. If you have time or enthusiasm on your hands, you could dig up the root, gently boil it for a minute or two, leave to soak in the same water for an hour or so and then dry over night. This special brew is said to have lots of health benefits.

Otherwise, just pick what you find toss it in - the beauty of nature! You might have some lavender growing nearby, makes a great night time tea. By May / June time you'll start to see everybody's favourite, sweet-smelling (and tasting) elderflower. A great addition to a Summer gin cocktail!

Once you’ve finished gathering all that beautiful wild flora, simply boil some water, mix in your foraged haul, sit back and relax.