March Watch List
A monthly update on what we're reading, watching and listening to, when we're not making soap that is.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - It's 2044 and humans plug themselves into the OASIS and leave their dystopian reality for a virtual world of infinite possibilities. But when the OASIS creator dies, there can be only one winner of his massive fortune. If you grew up in the 80s, you'll love the endless pop culture references, everything from music to film to gaming.
My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Ruth Bader Ginsburg led a truly fascinating life. She stands taller than her frame in many aspects of politics and pop culture. She turned 86 years young yesterday. HBD RBG.
Broad City - It's the last season. If you haven't watched this yet, give it a shot. These two women, Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer are well on the rise to pop culture stardom.
Arrested Development on Netflix - The Bluths are back to finish their story. The second half of the last season landed on Netflix yesterday. Try not to binge, there will not be six seasons and a movie.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce - Read by Colin Farrell on Audible - For the weekend that's in it, we thought you might enjoy this. 8hrs 17mins of literary genius read by one of Ireland's favourite sons.