May Watch List
This month, Donagh is taking over our Watch List. Here's what he's reading, watching and listening to, when he's not making Goats Milk Soap that is (more about that later).
My best books of the last 6 months:
Your Body is Your Brain - You feel from the outside in. Like Amy Cruddys Ted Talk but really amplified.
The Real McCaw - Richie McCaw. Shows that chasing great is never as easy as it looks from the outside.
Kevin Barry - Beatlebone. I love Kevin Barry’s writing, I started with The City of Bohane a few years ago. Savage and violent with a unique Irish depth of character.
The Defiant Ones (again) – I really hope everyone has seen this by now… how luck, ambition and bravado can still deliver the American dream while achieving genuinely important and great things.
Sharp Objects - Caught the first few episodes of this HBO series on a flight to America. Amy Adams wasn't really on my radar... til now, she is truly awesome in this. I also never thought Gone Girl was as good as the hype. Sharp Objects is by the same author and I think a much, much better story. Make sure you watch the end credits of the last episode. Wow!
Lion - This was one my wife suggested on Netfix and I am glad she did. Realisitic, raw, powerful and life affirming.
Dancing With The Stars (Ireland) - A bit embarrassing, maybe and something I never thought I would ever watch but my wife’s friend Fred Cooke was inspiring. The real winner of the show, won the heart of the nation. Go Fred!
Shazam has definitely been my favourite app of the last year…for those who don’t know it…. you simply tap it at a song playing on the radio/restaurant/bar and it will tell you what it is and who by. You can link it up to Spotify and create playlists, like this one:
BBC Radio 6 - Particularly the Guy Garvey show (currently being guest hosted by Cillian Murphy while Guy is off recording with Elbow)
RTE Lyric FM – The Mystery Train with John Kelly