DIY Sugar Hand Scrub
We know dry skin is an issue for people at the moment, so we asked our formulation development team to share a simplified sugar-based hand scrub that you can make at home. This will leave your hands feeling soft and cared for. And you can use it on your feet or legs too. It's gentle and helps to soften hard skin while the sugar will smoothen.
Sugar (the bigger the granules, the better)
140g Sugar
80ml Olive Oil
10-20 drops of your favourite essential oil (if available)
How to make:
This is the really easy part. Throw it all in a bowl or a mason jar and mix well. Store in a sealed jar. For fragrance, lavender is a great essential oil as it also has calming properties for your skin. But you can use any essential oil that you love for this.
Note: The Olive Oil is the "carrier oil" which means it holds everything together. You can substitute some (or all!) of the olive oil for jojoba or coconut oil if you have it. Both are great on the skin. And they smell great too, always a plus!
How to Use:
Take a scoop and start rubbing your hands together to spread it all over. Once you have full coverage start working on any callus or dry areas with a circular motion to stimulate blood flow. Then sit back for a couple of minutes and allow the oils to do their work. Rinse with warm water or pat with a warm damp cloth to remove any sugar left on your hands.